Monday, September 12, 2011

Editor Say's.....

Ok ok ok, February already, wow…. 

and JAF is already late 12 days putting this up. Well it’s always better late than never right…

We have been working hard behind JAF scenes to push the magazine around the www, so far so good, lots of great feed back from you all, plus some brilliant talented submissions from some kick ass artists… keep it coming all…

As February is well and truly underway we all hope your 2012 is as creative as JAF would like it to be..

This issue we have new films, new festivals and some nice collaborations in the painting world. We are forever traveling, searching and researching new things, new ways to connect and unique ideas to show our readership.

Without you we are nothing, so we thank you all for your feedback, views, clicks and traffic, you all rock… enjoy our updates, spread the JAF word and remember to always,

Live it, Love it, JAF it!


2012 is HERE...Lets get this month started.

     Well indeed indeed we are far and few regarding updates for the new online sensation JAF MAGAZINE. But there is a fine and awesome reason for doing so. We have recently acquired a source of income, in the advertising department, so right now a small team of us are pushing the marketing route to get JAF out there and beyond. We are hitting new views and readership members now at the thousands a week and are currently full steam ahead with a nice 34,000+ so far. 

   The rare updates and our constant push to market is one thing, we are also having tremendous views and feedback on our new December issue, with new stories, new art, photography and films. It's been our most popular update yet.

   We have new work in the pipeline, and today we are giving you the JAF promo film made exclusively for us by BIG INK PRODUCTIONS. We hope you enjoy it. Get ready for some big changes coming; we are bursting to unleash all our new talent, so stay tuned. All of us at JAF mag hope your new year is seriously kicking ass.


It's December already.     

Wow how the time flys? JAFs been live for 4 months already, give or take the august month for experimentation and working out those insipid online kinks, we have been cruising the www for a good 3 months and enjoying every moment. JAF MAG has grown rather well in the months with gaining new writers, artists, and filmmakers.

Behind the scenes however, we have been working on many a new creative idea to make JAF MAGAZINE as unique and kick ass cool as we can possible conjure it to be.  Working on new sections for the magazine as well as a final monthly print of JAF, also competitions to win some great stuff is also on the table, this all coming soon. 

The updates are far and few between, due to far too many magazine submissions than we can handle, don't get me wrong we aren't complaining, just didn't expect so many, so soon. We have been attracting all the continents of the world and we are completely overwhelmed, all of which have stemmed from as far as Africa to LA, France to India's Goa, even Alaska and that small town just outside Barstow California.

We have some new independent films for the film section coming, not to mention JAF's head writer Sid C, is working on some new writings I'm sure will blow us all away. With our new readership of 31,000 and growing, it's only a matter of time before we reach that million, for all those helping us get there, you rock!!.


The October November Updates

                  JAF has been live for over 2 months and it's all going rather smashingly.
We have been traveling a fare bit, attending conferences, meeting the creative souls of San Francisco, eating some croissants in Paris and some jam scones in London, the odd beer here and there did show itself. JAF is out there doing it’s creative part in making our magazine as cultivating and interesting for our ever expanding readership as we possible can. 

Our team is ever marketing our mag and we seem to be reaping some nice rewards, our FACEBOOK page is going kick ass, with now over 3000 fans. Our submission mailbox is getting a daily stream of fantastic submissions spanning all over the world.

We are finalizing some new JAF films that will be on our homepage soon, not to mention new work from one of our head writers, Sid Cocain. Daniel Hageman is in the art section, while Charles Lee part 2 is finally here. Based on a stream of emails requesting it so. We hope you like it JAF FANS. Childish Propaganda is here to give a taste of controversy to our update. A load more creativity’s are a hapnin, so stay tuned, and always live it, read it, and mostly importantly, always JAF IT! 


The September Updates

                  JAF has been live for over a month now and its going great. We are gaining the hits, the submissions and the readership, big thumbs up to you all. Were expanding, collaborating and tweaking daily. We understand with time comes success, so we are happy to be surfing the www and making new global friends. This is JAFs homepage, so as of today we will be updating and adding new exciting articles, films and artwork to the site. 

We have a short film being made about JAF, a little promotional visual that might be monumental ;-) to watch real soon, should be here around the end of the week so stay tuned to this space as it will most probably be shown here.  Got a load of new writers joining JAF this month, and some kick ass photographers and filmmakers, so you know what to do, like us, bookmark us, have JAF be your artistic weekly read. The new stuff's coming.

JAF Magazine Editor and creator, C Marshall


11th September 2011

JAF has been live for over a month now and it’s going great. We are gaining the hits, the submissions and the readership. We are expanding, collaborating and tweaking daily. We understand with time comes success, so we are happy to be surfing the www and making new global friends. This is JAF’s homepage, so as of today we will be updating and adding new exciting articles, films and artwork to the site.

But today we wanted to pay tribute and give our respects in recognition of the ten-year anniversary of 9/11 in New York City and all those affected by the events of that day in 2001. May this day be a day we remember and never forget.
C Marshall - JAF Magazine Editor and Creator


Issue One 1st August JAF here saying hello..

                          It's been a busy half a year with getting everything ready to roll for JAF issue number one, but we have come through the thick of it and are now here on the www, ready to stir the media pot. I'm just giving a lowdown of what is in this months JAF Magazine, and a nice way to introduce JAF to the social networking sphere. We are all about the Journalism, the Art and the Film, everything and anything that relates. This here page is the homepage. Each section has it's own homepage. That’s as simple as it get's.
This issue we have artists, writers, filmmakers. To name a few, we got the artwork of Fefe Romanova and Charles Lee. Exclusive feature interview on Lazarus Nazario, with her classical and outstanding artistic vibe buzzing in NYC right now, this is written By Sid Cocain, Youtube sensation Fox Bronte. The poetic marvels of Anis Mojgani. The weird surreal look at California and filmmakers/writers and award winning Short films by Erez Tadmor & Guy Nattiv. So check out our sections, bookmark our mag, read away, subscribe, share, email, tweet and enjoy.

C Marshall - JAF Magazine Editor and Creator

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